Election Candidate Surveys

Candidates for Oakleigh / VIC Legislative Assembly Election 2010


All Q1Q2Q3Q4Q5Q6Q7Q8Q9Q10

Scoring Key

Yes, Definitely10Probably7Unsure5Unlikely3Definitely Not2No Comment1

Candidate scores

BP = Ballot Position / = previously sitting member / = personal response / = party response
BP Candidate Party Q1Q2Q3Q4Q5Q6Q7Q8Q9Q10 Total
1BARKER, AnnAustralian Labor Party1035322222334
2WHYTE, EleanorThe Greens222222272225
3IDE, AlanIndependent----------0
4ZOGRAPHOS, TheoLiberal Party10710777107101085
5GRIGAS, GeorgeFamily First10101010101010101010100
6GRINTER, MatthewDemocratic Labour Party10101010101010101010100


The tradition of Christian prayers in parliament is part of our heritage - reminding MPs that they, like all other people, are imperfect and need guidance. This tradition also recognises that a majority of Victorians identified themselves as Christian in the last Census.

Would you vote to support the current practice of opening each day of parliament with Christian prayers?

Children placed for adoption deserve the best possible care. Research evidence confirms the common sense view that children flourish best when raised by a both a mother and a father. Allowing same-sex couples to adopt would intentionally deprive a child of the love of either a father or of a mother, and would be unfair to the child.

Would you vote against any bill that would allow same-sex couples to adopt children?

Proposals for laws allowing health professionals to kill their patients pose a serious threat to all Victorians - especially the elderly, the frail, the disabled and the socially vulnerable. Evidence from the Netherlands, Oregon and the Northern Territory (1995-96) shows that legalised euthanasia and physician assisted suicide have led to the deaths of persons who are not terminally ill, who are suffering from treatable depression, or who have not even asked for euthanasia.

Would you vote against any bill that would legalise euthanasia or physician assisted suicide?

Australia, with the highest per capita use of illegal drugs in the world, faces a mental health crisis - marijuana and amphetamine users risk depression and schizophrenia at rates significantly higher than those who do not use drugs. Teen cannabis users can damage their brains irreversibly. The "harm minimisation" policies of the past have failed because they sustain drug users in their habit. Victoria should adopt Sweden's successful harm prevention policies which include mandatory treatment for addicts.

Would you vote for measures to replace the current harm minimisation policy on illegal drugs with harm prevention policies including mandatory treatment for addicts?

The Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms Act 2006 has already led to courts giving more rights to Victorian sex offenders and less protection to the community. Plans for a national charter of rights have now been abandoned because, like the Victorian charter, it would place too much power in the hands of unelected judges.

Would you vote to repeal the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006?

Recent Equal Opportunity Act changes have limited religious freedom by requiring religious bodies to prove that living in accord with their beliefs is an inherent requirement for staff they employ. This burden of proof is an unjustified interference with religious freedom, and could deter religious groups from continuing their vital contribution to education, health and welfare services in Victoria.

Would you vote to repeal the inherent requirement provision and support measures to restore freedom of religion in Victoria?

The 2007 report of the Consultative Council on Obstetric and Paediatric Mortality and Morbidity stated that 52 Victorian babies were born alive after a post 20 week abortion but apparently left to die - raising concerns that Victorian health professionals may have crossed the line from abortion to infanticide. An inquiry is urgently needed.

Would you vote to support an inquiry into babies born alive but subsequently dying after a procured abortion?

Poker machines were introduced in Victoria in 1991 without public consultation. The government and the gaming industry have grown richer, but Victorians are losing $7 million a day to pokies. About 40% of this loss comes from problem gambling, which can lead to poverty, suicide and family breakdown. Governments need to end their dependence on revenue from problem gambling.

Would you support legislation to phase out poker machines in Victoria over a ten year period?

Sexually transmitted infections and teen pregnancy rates have skyrocketed in recent years. At the same time, school sex education programs have emphasised condom use as "safe sex", with little or no emphasis on sexual abstinence before and fidelity within marriage as the only truly safe sex - even though marriage remains the best environment for raising children.

Would you support school programs promoting sexual abstinence before and faithfulness within marriage as beneficial?

Pornographic films classified X18+ are being sold openly from restricted premises although this is illegal in Victoria; some corner stores and service stations have sold publications containing child pornography. In the light of recent evidence of porn's serious harm to children and adults, stronger laws and better policing are urgently needed in this area.

Would you support more vigorous enforcement of pornography laws and higher penalties for breaches?

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