Election Candidate Surveys

Candidates for Ramsay / SA House of Assembly Election 2010


All Q1Q2Q3Q4Q5Q6Q7Q8Q9Q10

Scoring Key

Yes, Definitely10Probably7Unsure5Unlikely3Definitely Not2No Comment1

Candidate scores

BP = Ballot Position / = previously sitting member / = personal response / = party response
BP Candidate Party Q1Q2Q3Q4Q5Q6Q7Q8Q9Q10 Total
1RAMSEY, DaleFamily First10101010101010101010100
2RANN, MikeAustralian Labor Party555223535540
3PETIT, PaulThe Greens----------0
4STEINERT, RodAustralian Democrats----------0
5BALAZA, DavidLiberal Party5555105255552


Christian prayers in parliament is part of our Australian heritage - reminding MPs, like all other people, that they are imperfect and need guidance. This tradition recognises that most South Australians identified themselves as adherents of Christianity in the 2006 Census. Opening each day of parliamentary proceedings with prayer is a helpful reminder that members of parliament are accountable for their actions.

Would you support the continued opening of parliament each day with Christian prayers?

Recent gold standard research in NZ and elsewhere has shown that abortion is more likely to lead to mental health problems than to alleviate them. The current South Australian law, in Section 82A of the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935, which allows for abortions to be performed on mental health grounds, may therefore be contributing to mental health problems.

Would you support the removal of mental health grounds as an excuse for abortion?

Although child pornography is illegal in South Australia, a defence of "artistic merit" is provided in Section 63C of the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935. This allows the production, dissemination and possession of material that would otherwise be prohibited. Children need protection from all child pornography irrespective of supposed "artistic merit".

Would you support the removal of the artistic merit defence for child pornography?

In South Australia, the only couple relationship registered by the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages is true marriage – between a man and a woman. Some other states have laws allowing same-sex relationships to be registered, thereby giving them equal status with marriage. Only marriage provides public benefits by creating the best environment for raising children. Its unique status should be preserved.

Would you oppose any bill to allow the registration of same sex relationships?

The SA Legislative Council protects our freedoms by providing a check on the power of any government, since the government always controls the lower house. The Legislative Council enhances accountability and guards against corruption. In Queensland, which lacks an upper house, corruption has been an ongoing problem whichever party is in government. Reducing the size of the SA upper house or halving the term of office would reduce its effectiveness.

Would you oppose any bill that would abolish or diminish the SA Legislative Council?

A recent report from the Productivity Commission concludes that up to 60% of revenue in the gambling industry is derived from problem gamblers. Problem gambling is associated with high social costs, including family breakdown. State governments that depend on revenue from poker machines are failing in their duty to provide for the welfare of the people of South Australia.

Would you support a bill for poker machines to be phased out of hotels and clubs by 2015?

The Cannabis Expiation Notice Scheme currently allows South Australians to grow one non-hydroponic cannabis plant and to possess up to 100 g of cannabis without facing criminal charges. A simple fine is issued and there is no limit to the number of times a person can make use of this expiation scheme. Research confirms the serious risks to physical and mental health harms associated with cannabis use.

Would you support a bill to abolish the Cannabis Expiation Notice Scheme?

International evidence demonstrates that children raised by married parents are at significantly less risk of abuse than children being raised by parents in a de facto relationship. However, South Australia currently does not record the marital status of the parents in a household where a child is living when child abuse is confirmed. Collecting adequate data to identify risk factors for child abuse is essential to the protection of children.

Would you support measures to require the collection of data on marital status in relation to confirmed cases of child abuse?

Prostitution problems - including drug abuse, street and child prostitution - have escalated in Victoria, Queensland and NSW following legalisation or decriminalisation. Police spokesmen say SA laws need strengthening to curb procuring of young people, prostitution-related advertising and flouting of laws by pimps and brothel owners.

Would you vote for enforceable laws to ban prostitution-related advertising and recruitment into the prostitution trade?

Euthanasia means the intentional killing of a person who is suffering pain or mental distress – instead of providing medical treatment or palliative care. It does not mean ending treatment that is futile or burdensome, since treatment can always be declined. Where euthanasia has been legalised, patients have been killed even in the absence of an explicit request for euthanasia, instead of providing treatment and care.

Would you oppose any bill to legalise euthanasia?

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