Election Candidate Surveys

Candidates for Sydney / NSW Legislative Assembly Election 2011


All Q1Q2Q3Q4Q5Q6Q7Q8Q9Q10Q11

Scoring Key

Yes, Definitely10Probably7Unsure5Unlikely3Definitely Not2No Comment1

Candidate scores

BP = Ballot Position / = previously sitting member / = personal response / = party response
BP Candidate Party Q1Q2Q3Q4Q5Q6Q7Q8Q9Q10Q11 Total
0MADDEN, PeterChristian Democratic Party10101010101010101010-100
0PATTERSON, AndrewAustralian Sex Party-----------0
0BRIERLEY NEWTON, DeThe Greens2222222722-25
0BARTELS, AdrianLiberal Party10533555233-44
0SHEN, VictorThe Fishing Party-----------0
0MOORE, CloverIndependent-----------0


The tradition of Christian prayers in parliament is part of our Australian heritage - reminding MPs, like all other people, that they are imperfect and need guidance. This tradition recognises that two out of three (68%) of people in New South Wales identified themselves as adherents of Christian faith in the 2006 Census.

Would you vote to support the current practice of opening each day of parliament with Christian prayers?

Government House has been the residence of the Governor of New South Wales almost since settlement in 1788. In 1996, the Governor was evicted and required to provide his or her own home and commute to a leased office at taxpayer expense. Government House is underused and should be restored as the Governor's official residence in recognition of his or her important role in the checks and balances of our system of government.

Would you support the return of the NSW Governor to Government House?

Children placed for adoption deserve the best possible care. Research evidence confirms the common sense view that children flourish best when raised by both a mother and a father. Allowing same-sex couples to adopt intentionally deprives a child of the love of either a father or of a mother, and is unfair to the child.

Would you vote for measures to repeal provisions passed by the last parliament allowing same-sex couples to adopt children?

The Medically Supervised Injecting Centre at Kings Cross aids drug use by allowing users to inject illicit drugs. Users of the Centre have admitted that they take greater risks with the amount of drugs and the cocktail of different drugs because the Centre is ready to revive them if an overdose occurs. Claims that the Centre has saved lives fails to account for the increased risk behaviour facilitated by the Centre itself. The huge cost of running the Centre could be much more effectively spent in supporting direct efforts at rehabilitation.

Would you support the closure of the Medically Supervised Injecting Centre at Kings Cross?

Proposals for laws allowing health professionals to kill their patients pose a serious threat to all people in New South Wales ? especially the elderly, the frail, the disabled and the socially vulnerable. Evidence from the Netherlands, Oregon and the Northern Territory (1995-96) shows that legalised euthanasia and physician assisted suicide have led to the deaths of persons who are not terminally ill, who are suffering from treatable depression, or who have not even asked for euthanasia.

Would you oppose any move to legalise euthanasia or physician assisted suicide in New South Wales?

The teaching of the Christian religion and Scriptures in state schools during specified periods has been a longstanding practice in New South Wales. In 2010 the teaching of ethics during the time periods set aside for Special Religious Education (SRE) was permitted on a trial basis. Contrary to government promises, the ethics classes were offered to all students, not just those who had already opted out of SRE. Ethics should be taught as part of the general curriculum and not be offered in direct competition to Special Religious Education.

Would you support the role of Special Religious Education in state schools and oppose using these times for secular ethics classes?

Abortion is currently illegal under sections 82-84 of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW), subject to the Levine ruling which allows an exception to avoid 'serious danger to the pregnant woman's life or to her physical or mental health'. Abortion should remain unlawful because it terminates a human life and may result in mothers experiencing serious physical and mental suffering.

Would you oppose any move to legalise abortion in New South Wales?

The Productivity Commission recently found that between 80,000 and 160,000 Australian adults suffer significant problems from their gambling. About 40% of poker machine profits come from problem gambling, which can lead to poverty, suicide and family breakdown. Governments need to end their dependence on revenue from problem gambling.

Would you support legislation to phase out poker machines in New South Wales over a ten year period?

International evidence demonstrates that children raised by married parents are at significantly less risk of abuse than children being raised by parents in a de facto relationship. However, New South Wales currently does not record the marital status of the parents in a household where a child is living when child abuse is confirmed. Collecting adequate data to identify risk factors for child abuse is essential for the protection of children.

Would you support measures to require the collection of data on marital status in relation to confirmed cases of child abuse?

Prostitution problems - including drug abuse, street and child prostitution - have escalated in NSW following the decriminalisation of prostitution. Local councils currently have no power to refuse brothel applications even if opposed strongly locally. Local councils should have the legal right to refuse all brothel applications without such refusals being overturned by external bodies.

Would you support local councils being given the power to prohibit all brothels in their local government area?

Prayers in parliament are an important daily reminder that we must all ultimately answer to the higher authority of Almighty God. The prayers, which consist of the Lord's Prayer and a request for God's guidance, are an expression of the Christian foundation and character of our nation. According to the latest census, about 70% of Australians identify with Christian churches.

Do you support the current custom of opening each day of parliament with Christian prayers?

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