Politician Voting Records

Carmel ZOLLO: SA / Australian Labor Party

FamilyVoice view Good vote Bad vote Absent or abstained
5 good votes 4 bad votes 0 absent or abstained

Date Stage Vote Matter
27/11/2013 Principle Against Offences Against Unborn Child Bill 2013
02/05/2012 Final Against IVF for Same-Sex Couples 2012
24/11/2010 Final Against Same-Sex Parents on Birth Certificates 2010
18/11/2009 Final Against SA Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2009
15/10/2009 Final For Bill to weaken the Upper House 2009
26/03/2009 Final Against SA Cloning Bill 2009
07/12/2006 Final For SA Domestic Partners Bill 2006
21/11/2005 Final For SA Relationships Bill 2005
25/11/2004 Final For Gaming Machines 2004
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