Election Candidate Surveys
Candidates for Lytton / QLD Legislative Assembly Election 2017
All | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Q5 | Q6 | Q7 | Q8 | Q9 | Q10 |
Scoring Key
Yes, Definitely10 | Probably7 | Unsure5 | Unlikely3 | Definitely Not2 | No Comment1 |
Candidate scores
BP | Candidate | Party | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Q5 | Q6 | Q7 | Q8 | Q9 | Q10 | Total | |
1 | PEASE, Joan | Australian Labor Party | 1 | 10 | 3 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 10 | 2 | 39 | |
2 | STRAHAN, Karren | Liberal National Party | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 7 | 10 | 68 | |
3 | BLACK, Suzanne | Pauline Hanson's One Nation | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 0 | |
4 | AUSTIN, Ken | The Greens | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 0 |
Prayers in Parliament are an important daily reminder that we must all ultimately answer to the higher authority of Almighty God. The prayers, which consist of a request for divine guidance and the Lord’s Prayer, are an expression of the Christian foundation of our nation. According to the latest census, about 52% of Australians identify with Christianity.
Would you vote to support the continued opening of Parliament with Christian prayers?
State education department bureaucrats recently expressed their 'unofficial' policies banning school-yard 'evangelism', conversations about Jesus and the exchange of overtly Christian greeting cards. While the department reviewed the situation after public outcry, the approach denied the role of government as servant (not master) and undermined freedom of speech, faith and association in State schools.
If elected, will you insist education officials hold policies that do not undermine freedom of speech, faith and association?
Abortion is illegal unless the mother's physical or mental health is jeopardised by the continuation of the pregnancy. However, studies show that women who have abortions often mistakenly believe they have no other alternatives. They are more likely to experience depression and illnesses. Abortion decriminalisation would deny legal protection to the unborn and increase the likelihood of harm to women.
Would you vote against proposals for the decriminalisation of abortion in Queensland?
Euthanasia and assisted suicide deliberately kill persons who may be suffering. They do not include ending burdensome or futile treatments (or indeed any intervention). Evidence shows legal euthanasia may lead to the death of people who are depressed, not terminally ill, and who do not request lethal injection. Society is better served by improved palliative care.
Would you vote against any proposal for legal euthanasia and assisted suicide?
Anti-vilification law prohibits inciting ‘severe ridicule’ based on religion, sexuality or gender identity. This unjustly restricts free speech and freedom of faith. Queensland has seen street preachers arrested on this basis. A free community and an open society should accommodate and encourage robust debate on these matters.
Would you support a bill to remove vilification offences based on religion, sexuality and gender identity?
Prostitution is a tragedy that is inherently degrading and damaging. But the Nordic model of prostitution law adopted by many countries has cut sex ‘work’ significantly. This approach targets pimps, madams and procurers, makes it an offence to purchase or advertise sexual services, and helps prostitutes quit the damaging trade.
Would you support the Nordic model as a helpful response to the tragedy of prostitution?
Parliamentary committees gained increased responsibility after the Bligh government's Integrity and Accountability inquiry - but governmental misbehaviour continues. A constitutional convention is required, to consider reviving the Legislative Council (as a check on the Executive) and to evaluate decreasing the House of Assembly membership, so total MP numbers do not increase if the Upper House is restored.
Would you support a constitutional convention to investigate restoring the Legislative Council?
Heterosexual or same-sex “de facto” couples of two year’s standing may apply to become adoptee parents, even though children have better outcomes when adopted by heterosexual couples who are in settled marriages. Adoption legislation must promote the optimal welfare of the child, including meeting the need to be raised by a mother and a father who are settled in marriage.
Would you vote to restrict adoption to heterosexual couples who are in marriages that are at least two years old?
Recent demands for sexuality and ‘respectful relationships’ programs to be made compulsory within all state schools do not recognise the rights of parents. The Safe Schools and Respectful Relationships curriculums have outraged parents and undermine their rights to choose whether their children participate in sexuality and gender-based programs.
Will you support parental rights in education, including consenting to sexuality and relationships programs?
In 2016, the government proposed a Human Rights Act that would empower quasi-judicial tribunals to rule on human rights. But former NSW Labor Premier Bob Carr has correctly said rights are best protected by democracy and common law. MPs rather than judges should decide human rights issues, and unlike judges they are accountable to the electorate.