Election Candidate Surveys

Candidates for South Australia / SA Legislative Council Election 2018


All Q1Q2Q3Q4Q5Q6Q7Q8Q9Q10

Scoring Key

Yes, Definitely10Probably7Unsure5Unlikely3Definitely Not2No Comment1

Candidate scores

BG = Ballot Group / BP = Ballot Position / = previously sitting member / = personal response / = party response
BG BP Candidate Party Q1Q2Q3Q4Q5Q6Q7Q8Q9Q10 Total
A1COUCH, BobStop Population Growth Now----------0
A2ROBERTS, MichaelStop Population Growth Now----------0
B1FRANKS, TammyThe Greens----------0
B2FARRELL, MattThe Greens----------0
B3SUTHERLAND, AshleyThe Greens----------0
B4HILLAM, RosaThe Greens----------0
B5WYLIE, KateThe Greens----------0
C1VINCENT, KellyDignity Party Inc----------0
C2BLEBY, DianaDignity Party Inc----------0
C3MANN, RyanDignity Party Inc----------0
C4SIMBA, EstherDignity Party Inc10101010101010101010100
D1BONAROS, ConnieNick Xenophon's SA-BEST111111111110
D2PANGALLO, FrankNick Xenophon's SA-BEST111111111110
D3JOHNSON, SamNick Xenophon's SA-BEST111111111110
D4MADELEY, AndreaNick Xenophon's SA-BEST111111111110
D5VINCENT, PeterNick Xenophon's SA-BEST111111111110
E1NOACK, MichaelLiberal Democrats----------0
E2HUMBLE, StephenLiberal Democrats----------0
F1HUMPHRIES, PeterAdvance SA----------0
F2LOW, JennyAdvance SA----------0
G1MARTIN, AngelaAnimal Justice Party101010710101077586
G2DAVEY, WendyAnimal Justice Party----------0
H1RIDGWAY, DavidLiberal Party----------0
H2WADE, StephenLiberal Party----------0
H3STEPHENS, TerryLiberal Party----------0
H4LEE, JingLiberal Party10101710101710773
H5ABRAHAM, BernadetteLiberal Party----------0
H6MAIONE, ClementinaLiberal Party----------0
I1TONKIN, TonyChild Protection Party----------0
I2BERGINETI, NadiaChild Protection Party----------0
J1BROKENSHIRE, RobertAustralian Conservatives101010101010510101095
J2JACHMANN, NicolleAustralian Conservatives101010101010510101095
K1BOURKE, EmilyAustralian Labor Party----------0
K2HANSON, JustinAustralian Labor Party----------0
K3PNEVMATIKOS, IreneAustralian Labor Party----------0
K4SCRIVEN, ClareAustralian Labor Party101010105107710786
K5GILL, TrimannAustralian Labor Party----------0
K6LIEN, ChristinaAustralian Labor Party----------0
L1THANDI, Amrik SinghIndependent Amrik Singh Thandi----------0
L2THANDI, MjIndependent Amrik Singh Thandi----------0
UG1KILBY, GailIndependent Honest Transparent Accountable----------0
UG2LE RAYE, John MiltonDanig Party of Australia (SA Division)511575137540
UG3KOUMI, LukeIndependent Racing Means Jobs----------0


Prayers in Parliament are an important reminder that we must all ultimately answer to the higher authority of Almighty God. The prayers, which consist of a request for divine guidance and the Lord’s Prayer, are an expression of the Christian foundation of our nation. According to the latest census, about 52% of Australians identify with Christianity.

Would you vote to support the continued opening of State Parliament with Christian prayers?

Problems with prostitution, including drug abuse, street and child prostitution, have escalated in other states following legalisation or decriminalisation. By contrast, the Nordic model of prostitution law which criminalises the purchase of sex has been proven to protect sex workers from exploitation and reduce trafficking.

Would you support the adoption of the Nordic model of prostitution law that protects women from exploitation?

The SA abortion toll of over 4000 deaths per year is a tragedy. Studies show that pregnant women who abort their unborn babies, often wrongly believing they have no other option, are more likely than other women to suffer depression, other illnesses and even death in the months or years that follow. SA laws should protect unborn children and their mothers from abortion.

Would you vote to restore protection from abortion for unborn children in South Australia?

Euthanasia and assisted suicide deliberately kill persons who may be suffering. They do not include ending burdensome or futile treatments. Evidence shows legal euthanasia may lead to the death of people who are depressed, not terminally ill and who do not request lethal injection. Society is better served by improved palliative care.

Would you vote against any proposal for legal euthanasia and assisted suicide?

International evidence demonstrates that children raised by heterosexual married parents are at a significantly lower risk of abuse than children raised by cohabiting or single parents. Adequate data collection is essential to identify abuse risk factors and help protect children.

Would you support the collection of data on gender and marital status in confirmed cases of child abuse?

Australia has one of the highest per capita rates of use of illegal drugs in the world. The "harm minimisation" policies of the past have failed because they sustain drug users in their habit. Sweden's successful harm prevention policies include mandatory treatment for addicts.

Would you support drug policies that focus on harm prevention, with a drug-free goal for treatment of addicts?

South Australians are spending hundreds of millions of dollars a year playing Poker machines. This is associated with high social impact, including family breakdown. Poker machines entail a particularly addictive form of gambling, and should not be conveniently accessible in hotels and clubs.

Would you support a bill to phase out poker machines from hotels and clubs over the next ten years?

Government policies prevent Christian Pastoral Support Workers from sharing about their own faith. They may not commend the precepts of Christianity - even though they are employed under the auspices of the Head of Churches Committee to provide distinctively Christian pastoral support.

Will you support moves to allow Christian Pastoral Support Workers to serve without undue restriction on their freedom to commend the Christian faith?

While no form of bullying is acceptable, the Safe Schools program normalises homosexual and transgender behaviour. It has increased identity confusion and has provoked the bullying of children who hold conservative values. However, programs specifically targeting all forms of bullying are successfully addressing the root causes.

Would you recommend that schools replace the Safe Schools program with a curriculum that encourages respect and courtesy for all?

When children are relinquished for adoption, their need to grow up in an intact family with a mother and father who are married to one another should be protected wherever possible. There is overwhelming evidence that children do best with both a father and a mother – something same-sex couples cannot provide.

Would you vote to repeal the SA law which currently allows same-sex couples to adopt children?

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